I just recently did a video about thunderbirds, and when I was making that video I came across a ton of pterosaur sightings. And once I dug a little bit deeper I knew I had to put this on my to do list as I was just blown away. Now these sightings come from all over the world and they are almost as frequent as Bigfoot sightings, making this a very popular worldwide phenomena. One of the first documented sightings happened in 1603 when the Native American’s told the Spanish explores that they killed a giant flying monster. They told the Spanish explorers that they killed it when they built a huge fire in front of a cave, and this massive fire suffocated and killed the creature that lie within. And when the Spanish returned to Spain they told their fellow country men that they witnessed huge monsters in the sky’s. Making the people of Spain believe that this land was infested with huge gigantic flying monsters, making them afraid to travel to the new world.
Then In 1673 French explorers were mapping and navigating the Mississippi River when they stumbled upon pterodactyl petroglyphs on a cliff wall. And you can still see it to this very day. Now pterodactyls according to modern science have been extinct for millions of years. But yet the Native Americans claim that they have witnessed these creatures for centuries. And there are ton’s of Native American legends that involve huge giant birds that fit the description of a pterodactyl. To them it was known as the bird that devours men.
The legend states that this native American tribe was living in fear, they were constantly being attacked by a massive flying beast. So the chief decided to serve himself up as bait in front of its cave, then this creature flew out of the cave and tried to eat him. The members of this tribe started to fire poison arrows and they were able to kill it. After this heroic event the tribe painted what happened that day on the cliff wall so future generations would remember. Now this event was so important to the Native Americans that lived in that area that John Russell a college professor actually wrote an article about it in 1836.
On September 25, 2001, a 19 year old driving along Pennsylvania’s Route 119 reported what he described as “flags flapping in a thunderstorm” coming from right above his car. When he looked up he couldn’t believe what he was looking at, he described a bird very similar to a pterosaur. And over the next few month’s there were a lot more sightings of this creature in Greensville county and Pennsylvania, and the descriptions were all the same. Then in 1976 and in 1982 there was another wave of sightings in Texas. Now these sightings always seem to occur in waves and most of these eye witnesses truly believe that what they saw was supposed to be extinct. There are also a lot of sightings in Africa in the Congo region each and every year. The locals call them the Overturner of Boats. They describe a huge flying monster that is featherless, has smooth skin, an elongated head with a beak full of teeth.
In 1988 Professor Roy Mackal led an expedition into the deserts of South West Africa. He was investigating some very interesting reports. The people of that area started seeing a massive creature gliding through the air, they estimated that the wing span must have been at least 30 feet. They told professor Mackal that this huge flying beast would appear at night and they also said that it glowed in the dark. Even a member of this expedition claimed to have seen it. Now what makes these sightings so interesting is there has been ton’s of sightings in Papua New Guinea going back for centuries and these eye witnesses also say that these flying beast also glow in the dark. The locals call these flying monsters the Ropen and the descriptions from the eye witnesses are extremely similar to that of a pterosaur. Now most of these location are so remote that it could be possible that a huge unknown bird could exist and still remain unknown to science, especially if it only comes out at night.
Now there are tons of sightings of huge birds from all over the world, and in a lot of cases I am sure it could just be a condor or an eagle or just a big bird. But some of these sightings are extremely interesting as time and time again these eye witnesses describe seeing a pterosaur. There are also tons of pictures of alleged pterosaur sightings but most of these are considered hoaxes, but some are still being debated. This picture is known today as nothing more than a hoax. But after doing a little digging I found out that this picture is a remake of this picture. And this picture is not yet officially a hoax. Most experts have examined this picture closely and they believe that these are real civil war soldiers. Now it could still be a hoax in terms of the pterosaur is fake, but the question remains why would civil war soldiers fake a photo like this. In order for them to want to fake this they must have heard stories of people seeing huge flying monsters in the skies. So either way real or a hoax I find it very interesting. As back in those days there were a lot of pterosaur sightings just as we have today.
Now here is where things get even more interesting. While researching this video I stumbled upon a great article from alivedragon.com. Now this article discuss missing children, and a lot of these accounts come from missing 411. Missing 411 is one of the most terrifying books I have ever read. The documented cases that are described in this book goes into great detail about how people seem to just vanish right into thin air. Now over the years tons of children have gone missing while campaign or visiting a national state park. And in almost all these cases the child was not very far away from their parents. Now it’s very rare but sometimes they do find the child a couple of days later. And the thing that baffles investigators is when they find these kids they find them miles away in very remote parts of the forest.
And in some cases you would need a helicopter in order to get there. Now one thing all these children have in common is they always have a lot of bruises and scratch marks, it’s as if they fell off something that was pretty high. Making the investigators believe the only rational explanation is the child must have been taken by something that fly’s, and whatever this was decided to drop it. Now according to my research the strongest bird is a bald eagle and the maximum it can carry is 15 pounds. A 2 year old weighs on average 26 to 30 pounds. So a bald eagle could probably attempt to take a 2 year old but they wouldn’t get very far, and not to mention that some of these kids are found miles away weighing up to 40 pounds. So if a huge bird is responsible for these abductions it is most likely an unknown species, as there is just no way a bald eagle could carry a 40 pound child, especially for that long of a distance.
Making me believe that there might just be some truth to these giant monster bird sightings. Another thing I would like add is when researching this video I came across tons of websites dedicated to ancient and modern day pterosaur sightings. It just blows my mind how big this phenomena really is. So I will be sure to keep my eye’s open and my camera ready just encase I have an encounter of my own.
Until next time this is paranormal junkie, make sure to hit that subscribe button and stay tuned!